In this article I will go through the many forms of programming and how to correctly program for any sport and athlete. This will look at linear, block methods of programming, psychology of programming looking at goal setting and motivational behaviors. Finally points to remember when doing the programming e.g. listening to your body. Ever […]
ABS Females Top 2013 Rankings
The IDFPA season has come to an end and it’s been quite a year for the female powerlifting team. The women have made serious progress, breaking personal bests at every meet, and breaking national and world records in the process. Their technique and numbers have improved at each competition and they’ve gained some valuable experience […]
Getting Switched On To The Power Of Weightlifting
When people think of strength training the most common image that springs to mind is of fat guys, covered in chalk lifting big weights and making noises similar to a farm animal. An image less associated with strength training and maximal weights is small, feminine women with ridiculous levels of strength that would put most […]
The Difference: Powerlifting & Physique
At least once a week somebody says to me “You do that bodybuilding right?” After a couple of minutes lecturing on the differences between body building and powerlifting they kind of understand the distinction. I have never partaken in a bodybuilding competition but I have competed in an athletic physique competition and have trained bikini […]
Q&A World Record Holder Andrew Richardson
So Andrew tell us about the world records you broke in Antwerp. In Antwerp was the WDFPF (World Drug Free Powerlifting Federation) Single Lift Championships. This was held from over 3 days, one day for the Squat, next day for the Bench Press and the last day for the Deadlift. I was representing Ireland […]