When people think of strength training the most common image that springs to mind is of fat guys, covered in chalk lifting big weights and making noises similar to a farm animal. An image less associated with strength training and maximal weights is small, feminine women with ridiculous levels of strength that would put most […]
What Foundation Have You Built?
No one would ever build a house on a dodgy foundation would they? It doesn’t matter how nice the house looked or how well the bricks were laid, eventually the cracks would appear and the house would need major repairs or even start falling down around you. The same thing applies to a person’s diet and […]
Muscle Building
Building Muscle Tip – Lift Heavy If you’re not lifting heavy then you will not build muscle PERIOD! Look at powerlifters, weightlifters and bodybuilders they all lift heavy weights and have large amounts of muscle. Gaining strength and lifting heavy will increase your work capacity for your hypertrophy work. People neglect strength and heavy […]
Why I Hired A Personal Trainer
For some people this might seem surprising, why would a coach hire another personal trainer to train them? In 2011 I decided I would train for a physique competition in Canada (Fitness star). This involved getting down to very low body fat levels and developing a physique that was athletic looking and natural. After 4 months of […]